15 Glee 3×17: Dance with Somebody

April 25, 2012 by b. binaohan
I’ve been wracking my brain all day for something to actually say about this and…
I kinda got nothing.
I mean… Blaine looks ridiculously hot in that black on black suit in “It’s not right, but it’s okay.” And I can’t tell you how happy I am that Kurt got another solo.
I found the bronzer comment really, really interesting. Especially since this is the first episode that I’ve seen Blaine most faithfully have DC’s natural colour. Did the make-up department finally find a good match for his skin? Did my humble post about their terrible makeup and how it was literally white washing him make an impact?
Surfing the glee tag yesterday let me know that people were kinda down on kurt for texting that dude. Whatever. I totally side with kurt on this, ’cause texting is totally not cheating. But then again… my headcanon has involved them being legit queer and not existing in this heteronormative space where people freak out about texting and are poly or have an open relationship (but not with sebastian ’cause that dude is fugly). On the other hand, my headcanon involves them actually communicating like a healthy queer relationship requires. I know that somewhere RM was talking about negotiating boundaries and such. Or it could have been someone else.
Also… this is totally related to one of RM’s comments that Blaine is a boy who does feelings like a girl. Because beyond the very debatable gender stuff that has been going around…
It is actually fully within the stereotype for Asian men on film that they are weak and effeminate. The emasculation or feminization of Asian men is totally a legit thing. It also makes me wonder if part of this is what is feeding into their need to continuously put Blaine into this role. Even as they have him being more sexually menacing (beware the yellow peril!). I think, to a certain extent, that the contradictions in Blaine’s character are driven by his vacillating between the two roles Asian men are allowed to have: weak and feminine or menacing and threatening to white people. In some ways these feed into each other, being part of the racist construction of Asians in the white imagination.
In terms of the fandom…I think it is really interesting the way that people are continuously ragging on Blaine for getting a lot of solos. It is interesting how people are constantly blaming him for it when it is clear that he is pretty much the only character on glee not actively trying to get them. Like everyone else has done terrible things for solos and I don’t see much shade thrown in their direction, but Blaine gets all kinds of shit for RIB deciding that they want him on the show a lot. Interesting the way fandom has been shitting on him for this. When basically all the characters on glee are detestable in their ways and often show the ugly side of ambition.
And this has been a post that started with no direction and just went with the flow.