13 Glee 3×15: Big Brother

April 12, 2012 by binaohan
Yeah. So I watched the entire show for once (well, kinda). But mainly because I also think Matt Bomer is unbelievably dreamy.
Here are some random thoughts (not feeling up to a full analysis):
Blaine has totally been whitewashed. That kid they picked to play him was white, white, white. Even with gelled hair. (someone will have to explain how gelled hair = Asian ’cause I might be doing something wrong then). Matt Bomer is made of pretty and has a great voice. Is it me or has mr. schue lost all relevance to the show? That scene where Cooper touches Blaine’s hair finally shows how much I win. I’ve thought for ages that the whole, “Blaine wears too much hair gel” meme had to be shit. Why? Blaine is gay too. Gel is a shitty, shitty product for your hair. His hair stayed in place post ruffle but it was still soft and pliable. This suggests, to me, that his stylists (who’d know better than to use gel) are using one of the more classic brands of pomade. Using a classic brand of pomade (which has the impact of making your hair very shiny but also holds really well without being crusty) would also fit into the old world bowtie type of style that they’ve given him. Basically, Blaine doesn’t use hair gel. Ha! Um… Blaine was in the shower. But they keep on making DC shave his chest (boo!). Since, as far as my head canon goes, Blaine is still a PoC and Cooper most certainly isn’t, I chose to believe that they are entirely unrelated by blood, making their weird sexual vibe less creepy.
My non-random and super angry thought? I’m *pissed* about the ‘man in a dress’ comment. Given that Ryan Murphy is a proven transphobe (see nip/tuck), I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but fuck all of them so hard for pulling that out. Fuck. Them.
Particularly since they had Tina playing the role… The amount of violence that TPoC face isn’t funny. We are dying all the time. All. The. Time. And we are dying, in part, because of shows like NCIS or SVU which always portray us as sex workers, victims, or murdering psychopaths. We are dying, in part, because shows like glee think making us the butt of jokes is totally fine (all the while pretending to be progressive, thus normalizing transmisogyny among liberals and alleged allies).
(eta: turns out that kid!Blaine is mixed. I tried to find this out before writing this but the info wasn’t available at the time)