7 Glee 3×7: I kissed a girl

November 30, 2011
I’m officially done with this show. I’ll keep watching to see scenes with Blaine, but I probably won’t be blogging about it anymore. I fast forwarded through much of last night’s show because I found myself utterly disgusted with the whole business (I’ve come to dread new episodes, instead of being excited).
First, I want to agree with most of the feminist commentary posted here[1]. All these menz swooping in to save the women in this episode made me dizzy. I particularly enjoyed how Puck became this, like, machine of shame, going around shaming all the women on the show for not wanting him. Shaming Shelby for finally realizing how exploitive and wrong having sex with a student is, shaming Quinn for, like, being human, shame all over the damn place.
Both the previously mentioned post and this one[2], raise some interesting points. But both, like Glee, erase issues of race from the episode. I caught how, although her parents are ‘okay,’ the only family scene we see with Santana is her being disowned by her Abuela. Contrast this scene with Kurt’s father, who being the super awesome white man he is, is totally understanding (’cause we know that white men are always down with the queers). Unlike the bad, brown, old lady with an accent. It is an American tradition to always frame PoC as being extra or uniquely homohating (or otherwise intolerant). While I think it was important that we see some negative outcome for this forced outing, I really wish that the consequences had befallen the one person who truly deserved it: Finn.
Now, I think my last post said everything I think about Finn’s white supremacist, homo-hating, concern troll, untalented ass, so I’ll just add a hearty, “Fuck you.” This message is to Finn and all the fucking white, hetero, liberal men like him. The world would be so much better if y’all just went away. (added: I can’t believe how Finn used a real suicide to justify outing Santana. Seriously? I’ve seen some comments saying that his reasoning of “I don’t want you to hurt yourself, so you should come out” partially justifies it. Um… No. Jeremy Rodemeyer did not kill himself because he was out or not out. He killed himself because of relentless bullying. Something that Finn has now exposed Santana to).
I will also iterate how much I hate how they have Coach Bieste eating in every damn scene. Glee, you have sufficiently hammered in the point that fat people are disgusting gluttons who never stop stuffing their faces with food. You did it with Lauren and you do it with Coach Bieste. How you expect us to have sympathy with someone who wants to be loved but is constantly rejected, yet is always portrayed in ways we are supposed to find disgusting, is beyond me. You fucking fail. I see your fat hating asses.
Speaking of Coach Bieste, how the fuck did this awesome woman and the other independent woman, Sue, end up fighting over a guy? A guy who makes Coach Bieste’s anxiety all about him, “I didn’t know you were interested, because I don’t have a mouth and can’t ask.” And Sue going after him because she wants to prove that she isn’t a lesbian? Ugh. FAIL!!!!!
I can’t quite pin down what was the straw that broke my ability to watch this show. Puck’s harassment of Shelby to his shaming of her and Quinn? Sue, again, misgendering Coach Bieste? Santana’s attempt to use a (possibly) made up mental condition to excuse her slap? Finn existing? The fact that Kurt and Blaine almost never seem to sit next to each in Glee but we are supposed to believe they are in love?
Ps. Dear writers of Glee, you showed how out of touch you are with reality by having Kurt mail in a paper application to NYADA. Who the hell has paper applications these days? No one.

  1. Snarker, Dorothy. 2011. “Out, Out Damn Gleek.” Dorothy Surrenders. http://dorothysurrenders.blogspot.ca/2011/11/out-out-damn-spot.html.
  2. SillyGleek. 2011. “SillyGleek’s Notes on ‘I Kissed a Girl’.” Deconstructing Glee. http://deconstructingglee.com/2011/11/30/sillygleeks-notes-on-i-kissed-a-girl/.