9 Glee 3×9: Extraordinary Merry Christmas

December 15, 2011
Um… Yeah… So, I haven’t quite been able to quit Glee just yet. Sigh. Anyway, this review is super late because I just moved and the internet just got connected at my new place.
Anyway… So, I’d say that this episode didn’t make me especially angry. I’ve come to expect the pity porn that normally occurs with christmas specials[1]. Where the hell are all these so very concerned people the rest of the year? People starve all year. They die all year. They are homeless all year. They are impoverished all the damn time. Yet, every time christmas rolls around people are all like, “give to the homeless people, donate toys for children, blah blah.” Fuck you all. If you really cared, poverty would already not be a problem. You’d be all over the government’s shit every time they cut welfare, social assistance, etc. Obviously, I’m not saying that people shouldn’t give when they can and as much as they can, but this sort of thing crops up and lets people spend one day a year doing something right and, thus, allowing them to sit back on their asses for the rest of the year.
Don’t even get me started with the promotion of christian charities like the Salvation Army on the show[2]. Those assholes, like many christian groups (unfortunately), basically hate on anyone not straight. If you are only gonna donate money or time during the holidays, try to make it (if possible) with a secular group that won’t discriminate against the people it purports to serve. This reminds me… What the hell was with the christian messaging during this episode? I mean, they read from the actual bible. I suppose in a narrative about the ‘true’ meaning of christmas they’d have to say something about Jesus or whatever. Again glee has gone around marginalizing the many, many people who don’t celebrate (people who, shockingly, are often not white). Or whose ‘true’ meaning of christmas isn’t related to Jesus. This week’s message: “if your christmas isn’t about Jesus, you are doing it wrong and you fucking suck you uncaring, uncharitable assholes.”
Um… Anyway. While I do hate christmas, this isn’t meant to be an anti-christmas post. I also like how glee, again, has portrayed us Asians as being drones without any individuality. Yeah, I caught how she called Blaine, “other gay.” Interesting that glee only strips people of their names in this very precise and dehumanizing fashion when they are Asian (re: Mike in the first season was called “other Asian”). I know that glee has basically white washed Darren Criss, but as much as they’d like to erase that fact that he is Filipin@, it remains the case that he is Asian. And that glee likes to uphold the old stereotype of Asians as being a yellow horde of faceless people. I see your anti-Asian racism, glee, I see it.
[this paragraph has been redacted for the book… since, well. it isn’t really my place to be talking about the issue with Black dating/marriage/etc. I do stand by my belief that the amount of hate that Shane got for being supportive and telling Mercedes to finally stnd up for herself against mr. schue’s racist favouritism was extreme and unnecessary.]
This is also where I disagree with hating Will Schuester. I like Matthew Morrison, ’cause he is hot and has a great voice. His character? Not so much. Liberal white and cis supremacist, homo-hating, misogynistic assholes like him are the fucking worst. Seriously. I’ll take the rightest winged, hate spewing, neo-Nazi over someone like him any day of the week. Any day.
Anyway, this post has become epic… And I’ll end it with a comment with how unbelievably dreamy Blaine was the entire christmas special. Shit, that boy is dreamy all the damn time. Makes my lady parts whimper every time he comes on screen.

  1. smith, s. e. 2011. “Pity Porn and Social Responsibility.” This Ain’t Livin’. December 2. http://meloukhia.net/2011/12/pity_porn.html.
  2. “Why The Salvation Army Doesn’t Deserve Your Money.” 2010. Prose Before Hos. December 7. http://www.prosebeforehos.com/cultural-correspondent/12/07/why-the-salvation-army-doesnt-deserve-your-money/.