29 Ugh. Fanfic writers, please do a little research.

June 21, 2012
Before writing things about race. I’m talking about a fic that takes place in the early 40s-ish in america. And has a Korean man married to a white (Jewish) woman.

Apparently the author doesn’t realize that interracial marriages were illegal at this time. And that Asian people weren’t allowed to say, own property, or be citizens. Or that white women marrying Asian men would also lose their citizenship. That Asians were segregated along with Black people.
I’m not sure how you start writing a fic that is supposed to be (allegedly, at least) about racism in america and not even know these basic facts.
That your entire story premise is flawed and doesn’t make any sense.
Please, fanfic writers or writers of any kind, do research before you start writing about things you have zero experience in and about. Please.
It took me five minutes with google to double check the fact that your story is impossible and absurd. Five minutes to check dates and the relevant laws.
Do better.