The Womanist Musing Posts
biyuti publishing
b. binaohan
Diaspora and the loss of language
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Table of Contents
The Author
Gender Imperialism
Imperialism by another name
The distinction between gender and sexuality
More on the trans* umbrella
More on cis and trans* outside of the West
Are there safe communities?
The safest are the most privileged
Diaspora and the loss of language
Othering and Representation
Rice Queens, the colonization of the Asian body, and self-orientalizing, Part 1
Rice Queens, the colonization of the Asian body, and self-orientalizing, Part 2*
Rice Queens, the colonization of the Asian body, and self-orientalizing, Part 3
Human Safaris (also known as tourism)
Cartesian dualism and the trans* body
Further thoughts on trans* theorizing about the body
Transition and access
The Concession of Language
The Default Setting Isn't 'Inclusive'
Racialized trans slurs
On finding Common Ground
A Mission Statement of Sorts
The Colonial Aspects to the Medicalization of Gender
Flipside or a Dose of Positivity
The Mysteries of Engagement and Participation
Biological Essentialism
Lip Service Isn't Enough
‘Third Genders’ and Western Constructions/appropriations*
Whiteness Assigned Gender (WAG)
The privilege to engage
Geographies of self
The Bargains We Make
Feminism and the Binary
Dictionaries and Imperialism
A Dire Reality Check
genderescent / genderessence: a space for us